Archive for March, 2009

Daily Antics

Hello all.

It has been quite a while since I have written anything down. Lots of things have been going on though!

Zayveon has started playing soccer, Thulani has made a few attempts at rolling over and I am once again, trying to lose weight.

I have quite a few pictures of Zayveon playing soccer, I will have to put them up, so that his “skills” can be seen :D.

Just about everyday, I have a “Zavyeon” story for my co-worker. I think that most of you that read my blog, would love to hear these stories too, and get a chuckle or an ewww (because we are potty training) out of them.

Last night, after dinner, Z goes running into the bathroom, with his exclamation of, “I have to pee!”. He finishes using the bathroom and commences to washing the sink and countertop his hands. I hear some unusual thumping sounds coming from the bathroom, so I ask James to check it out. I hear, “ZAYVEON!” and the sound of the toilet seat hitting the tank. There are some words being exchanged in the bathroom about poop and the potty. James comes out of the bathroom and let’s me know that while Z was washing his hands, there was a “turd coming out of his butt.” (Insert the ewww sound here…) The toilet seat hitting against the tank, was James’s efforts to get Z on the toilet before the “piece” finished coming out. Luckily, he made it. I would have hated to see what this post would have turned into if I had to clean up poo off of the floor. Though I am sure that it will happen…..

March 31, 2009 at 8:46 pm Leave a comment

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