Archive for September, 2008

Waiting on a process to upload…

I am waiting on some stuff to upload at work, so I thought that I would take a minute and blog! Remember that picture that I put up of my forearm?? Well, it has gotten better. Here is a funny story. When I went to yet another OB appointment on Tuesday, the lady that drew my blood was there. Now, I was in Durham, when I got my blood drawn, and the appointment that was on Tue, was in Chapel Hill. So, I was not expecting to see her. Anywho…when I walked in, and saw her, she automatically was like, “Hi, baby! How are you doing?? How is your arm…” yada, yada, yada. I showed her my arm, and it was the running joke while I was at the office, because there was another person that she had drawn blood from that was a receptionist, and she was bruised as well!

Just a moment–I have to tend to my uploading process……

Okay…I’m back. So, my appointment went well. Thulani’s heartbeat is good and I am measuring at 38/39 weeks, even though at the time of the appointment, I was 36 weeks and 4 days.

I am starting to have a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions! They started yesterday. Perhaps it is this change in weather that we are having. I have heard that drops in barometric pressure and things like that, tend to start a lot of labors….we will have to see! 🙂

Let me check on that uploading process again…..Still uploading…..

Well—-Let’s talk about Zayveon. Lately, he has been deciding that he really doesn’t want to eat dinner. He wants us to give him drink, but he doesn’t like the trade off, of having to eat in order to drink. I have done fake crying tactics, and it works for me, and James uses the old adage of feeling Zayveon’s muscles. When Zayveon is not eating his dinner, his muscles are weak, and he has to eat to get them stronger! When broccoli is on the table, Zayveon becomes the big giant, eating trees! It seems to work. Other times, we have to resort to feeding him from his own utensil.

In other words, we are feeding him like he is 6 months old again. Most of the time, he will eat it if we feed it to him….It is just sad that we have to resort to spoon-feeding our almost 2 1/2 year old, in order to get him to eat all of his food!

Okay–Well, that is about all for now!! Have a great day everyone!!!

September 25, 2008 at 6:26 pm Leave a comment

Let me tell you about this bruise!


So, on Monday, I went to my weekly OBGYN appointment. I was informed when I saw the doctor that I would need to have my blood drawn for a 3rd trimester HIV test. Well, let me say this. The lady that tried to take my blood, she is as nice as she can be, but she left me marked! Please note that this picture was taken 2 days after the date of the appointment!

It took four tries for her to get about 1ml of blood into the blood tube. She tried on the inside of my left elbow, no blood. She tried on the back of my left hand, a smidge of blood drained into the plastic tubing from the needle. She tried the side of my right elbow, and when she pulled the needle out a big bubble of blood was forming (I wish she could have gotten that in the tube!), and then she tried on my right forearm. Well, the picture is the result of what happened when she tried to draw the blood from the inside of my right forearm! I just wanted to share my pain.

I hope that I don’t have to have more blood drawn when I see the doctor next week!! 😯

September 19, 2008 at 3:33 pm Leave a comment

Zayveon is B-Balling!!


Since my father was mentioning that he did not have any updated pictures of Zayveon, I decided to take some pictures of him this morning.

The outfit that he has on, I got from the TMOTT (Triangle Mothers of Twins and Triplets) sale that was a few months ago.  I think that he looks really cute in this outfit and thought that I would share.

September 19, 2008 at 1:53 pm 1 comment

My camera won’t work! boo!!!

I do believe that this is inadvertently my fault.  I had lost the USB cord to my camera for a while, and I couldn’t find it.  Well, I found it, but I can’t connect the smaller USB end into my camera.  I am going to have to purchase a SanDisk Imagemateso that I can put my SD card into it, and then plug it into the USB port on my work computer. Why am I using my work computer you ask?? It is because I can upload so much faster than I can on my laptop, and I have videos that I want to post on this site.

The videos are of Zayveon and James, and in one, Jasmine too, doing things that the Durham Bulls Baseball game that we went to at the end of August. I hope that I will be able to get the imagemate tonight, so that tomorrow I can upload the vidoes. They are so cute!!!!

How am I doing you ask?? Well, I am okay, most days. My co-worker bought me a fan that I can sit on my desk, because in the afternoon, I have crazy hot flashes! I believe due to the pregnancy hormones! She is so sweet!!! James on the other hand, is being frozen every night, because I have to have the ceiling fan on high.  Otherwise, I feel like I am going to spontaneously combust while I sleep!!  I am sure that he will be glad when this pregancy is over 😀

September 17, 2008 at 8:35 pm Leave a comment

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